Each year the School of Theater, Film & Media Arts gives several awards to undergraduate students at the end of the academic year, unless the particular scholarship specifies another date of notification. Students must apply for the awards and the number of awards may vary from year to year. Awards and scholarships range from $500 to $2000.

The Scholarship Committees reviews the applications and may work with the nominees to help insure applications best represent the student's strength. Information on University-wide scholarships can be obtained from Student Financial Services.
Select one of the categories below to see scholarship opportunities offered by the Division. Criteria and required application materials are listed.
Paul Ryan Hutton Memorial Award
This award, in memory of an undergraduate theater major, is given to a sophomore, junior or, in an exceptional case, a senior theater major who has at least two semesters of course work remaining.
Applicants should be planning a career in theater and demonstrate exceptional ability and assertiveness in his or her area of interest as well as a good academic record. The award provides funds to assist the student in completing an internship designed for gaining practical theater experience prior to graduation. The recipient must be prepared to enroll for at least one credit of independent study guided by a faculty mentor during the internship period.
How to Apply: Students should nominate themselves by submitting to the committee a full application: extensive well-written letter/essay; full resume, include GPA; and a academic reference (a faculty or staff member who could speak on your behalf, if needed). The essay should introduce the student candidate to the committee, outline the student’s goals, expand on the highlights of the student's career in theater to date and state what this award would allow the student to accomplish the next year which might not otherwise be possible. Resumes can include outside work, scholarly achievements, organizations, and service in addition to theatrical listings. Applicants are encouraged to provide any additional information that you would like the scholarship committee to review while processing the materials. The Scholarship Committee will schedule an interview, if necessary, and solicit recommendations from faculty to help select the recipient.
To apply, please submit materials electronically to the Theater Department Scholarships and Awards Committee, c/o Amina Robinson.
Due Date: Friday, November 3, 2017 by 5 pm.
The Alan Kosher Fund Scholarship
This scholarship award, established by Alan Kosher '69, provides financial support, including, but not limited to, travel, food and lodging expenses, to allow an undergraduate theater major to do a one week internship or job-shadowing with a union manager of a first-class theatrical touring production.
Recipients should meet the following criteria:
- Pursuing a career in theater (strong interest in management preferred but not required) and possess a good academic record
- Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student, with preference for students who are in their junior or senior year.
The award recipients will be selected by the Theater Department Scholarship Committee and may receive one course credit for completing the internship. Award recipients must submit a written report to the Theater Department Chair upon completion and may be called upon to make a presentation about their experience.
How to Apply: Please submit electronically an essay describing your interest and desire to do the internship, and ideas about how this will benefit your career goals and education, as well as a resume (theater, work, scholarly achievement) with your GPA, a statement of endorsement or recommendation from a faculty or staff member, and any additional information you would like to include to the Theater Department Scholarships and Awards Committee, c/o Amina Robinson.
Due Date: Monday, December 5, 2017 by 5 pm.
Paul E. Randall Memorial Scholarship
In honor of the Department of Theater's founder and first chairperson, a tuition-remission scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated talent in an area of theater study and who has financial need.
How to Apply: Students should nominate themselves by submitting to the committee a full application: extensive well-written letter/essay; full resume, include GPA; and a academic reference (a faculty or staff member who could speak on your behalf, if needed). The essay should introduce the student candidate to the committee, outline the student’s goals, expand on the highlights of the student's career in theater to date and state what this award would allow the student to accomplish the next year which might not otherwise be possible. Resumes can include outside work, scholarly achievements, organizations, and service in addition to theatrical listings. Applicants are encouraged to provide any additional information that you would like the scholarship committee to review while processing the materials. The Scholarship Committee will schedule an interview, if necessary, and solicit recommendations from faculty to help select the recipient.
To apply, please submit materials electronically to the Theater Department Scholarships and Awards Committee, c/o Amina Robinson.
Due Date: TBA
Gladys Gordon Memorial Award for Theater
Established in 2004 by a bequest from Gladys Gordon, EDU '35, '72, and others to provide awards for outstanding students majoring in theater.
How to Apply: Applicants for the Paul E. Randall Memorial Scholarship will be considered for this scholarship as well.
Due Date: TBA
Beatrice Deglin Leder Theater Award Fund
Established in 2000 by Beatrice Deglin Legder, EDU '42, to provide an award for a graduating theater major who has demonstrated outstanding achievement as an actor, director, designer, stage manager, technician, or dramaturge.
Special Note: No Application. Recipient selected by faculty.
Adeline L. Wachman Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2003, by Dr. Marvin Wachman, provides a scholarship for undergraduate students majoring in theater who demonstrate financial need and academic achievement.
How to Apply: Applicants for the Paul E. Randall Memorial Scholarship will be considered for this scholarship as well.
Due Date: TBA
Zelma H. Weisfeld Scholarship Fund
Established in 2003 by Zelma Weisfeld, CLA '53, this fund provides scholarships for students in the department of theater who are studying costume design, with preference given to graduate students.
Special Note: No Application. Recipient selected by costume design faculty.
Ben and Minnie Lazaroff Scholarship
Awarded annually to a talented student in the screenwriting program enrolled in the spring semester, this scholarship is to be used the following school year.
How to apply: Submit an application to the FMA Office. Questions can be directed to the department chair.
Due Date: April 16
Beatrice Deglin Leder Film and Video Award Fund
Production award given to an outstanding sophomore or junior in the Department of Film and Media Arts to complete a film or video work currently in progress. Applicants submit a sample of their work, along with a budget and timetable for completion via the application form.
How to apply: Submit application to FMA Office. Questions can be directed to the department chair.
Due Date: April 16
Adam Grickis Memorial Scholarship Fund
This award, established by Richard D. and Susan J. Grickis in memory of their son, Adam, provides scholarships for FMA students who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need. Must be an undergraduate student in University Honors.
How to apply: Submit application to FMA Office. Questions can be directed to the department chair.
Due Date: April 16
Motion Picture Scholarship Award
An annual award to FMA students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
How to apply: Submit application to FMA Office. Questions can be directed to the chair.
Due Date: April 16
Jason Schoenagle '94 Award Fund
Established in 2007 by family and friends of Jason Schoenagle to provide awards for academically excellent Film and Media Arts majors with financial need who are studying in the Los Angeles Internship Program.
How to apply: This scholarship will be awarded to one exceptional FMA student participating in a summer semester of LA Study Away. Submit THIS application to the LA Study Away office.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2024
National Eastman Scholars Program
Highly competitive awards to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate superior ability in cinematography as well as overall academic excellence. Faculty Nominations Only.
How to apply: Department makes two nominations for this nationally competitive $5,000 tuition scholarship. Applicant must submit a portfolio and must be enrolled as a full-time student.
National Princess Grace Foundation Scholarship Awards
Nominations for film grants are submitted by the dean and department chairs, in conjunction with the faculty of established United States colleges and universities, by invitation only. All nominees must have already completed one film. Film grants are made as scholarships for undergraduate and graduate thesis film productions. Candidates can apply in their second or last year of study.
How to apply: Faculty Nominations Only.