Insurance, Procedures, and Legal Docs for Students

Insurance, Procedures & Legal Docs for Students

Equipment Insurance Policy

All students requiring access to university owned equipment through the Film and Media Arts Equipment Room are required to purchase equipment insurance to protect against potential damages to equipment. 

Insurance Costs $20 (Diamond Dollars only) and lasts for a full calendar year.

Read the full policy here

Insurance for Film Projects 

Temple University’s office of Risk Management and Treasury will issue a certificate of General Liability and/or Property insurance for students filming when it is required for academic purposes

All requests for insurance should be sent AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Last minute requests are unable to be met by our insurance brokers. 

Requests for any type of insurance must be accompanied by a signed Faculty Endorsement Form. 

Working with Minors: Please see memo Using Minors in FMA Productions regarding departmental policy and procedures for clearances to work with minors. 

All University insurance is managed by:

Office of Risk Management and Treasury

Carnell Hall, 6th Floor
1803 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122


Students may need General Liability insurance for locations, or Property insurance for equipment rentals.

Requests for any type of insurance must be accompanied by a signed Faculty Endorsement Form.

General Liability (GL) for Locations

When filming at locations off campus or outside of personal residences, Risk Management can provide general liability insurance to students while that student is acting within the course and scope of their academic duties. 

GL protects against third party actions in which bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage is alleged as a result of some action by the University or TFMA/Klein student. 

When locations require proof of insurance, the student must email the following information to 

• Student’s name requesting insurance and TUID number 

• Names and roles of all group members 

• Name of the film/project 

• Name and address of location (PO Boxes will not be accepted) 

• Dates of the filming at each site 

• Copy of the script being filmed at site  

• A signed copy of the Faculty Endorsement Form 

• Copy of any contract/agreement provided by the location 

 When filming in the City of Philadelphia, visit The Philadelphia Film Office is a great resource for students if they need to find or secure a location. 

City of Philadelphia and SEPTA locations require a permit and contract that must be reviewed and signed by University Counsel. Students may not sign contracts where Temple University is providing insurance coverage. If insurance is not required, students may sign the contract on behalf of themselves and not the University. A lead time of 2 – 3 weeks is necessary to have your contract reviewed and signed. 


• A site with a contract between the location and a non-Temple individual will not be insured by Temple 

• Sites/scripts deemed to be unsafe or have a high-level of risk will not receive insurance 

• Private residences (that belong to others and are requesting insurance) will have to sign a waiver stating that their homeowner’s insurance will act before Temple’s insurance. Contact Risk Management for this waiver. 

Risk Management will email the certificate of insurance directly to the requestor who will be responsible for forwarding it to the location. Requests without contracts needing signature may take up to 5 business days; so please submit your information at least two weeks prior to the start of filming. Once all items are submitted, the request will be processed.

Property Insurance for External Rentals

When renting equipment from a third-party rental house, Risk Management can provide property insurance to students while that student is acting within the course and scope of their academic duties. 

Students must first receive faculty approval via the Faculty Endorsement Form

Students can then make an appointment at The Equipment Office to discuss equipment needs and determine it is necessary to rent from an external film equipment company. 

Klein students: contact Angelena McCloskey, Video Systems Coordinator (

Angelena McCloskey must review the invoice from the external rental house. If approved, her signature must be on or after the date on the invoice, noting the invoice number. 

Film equipment (property) insurance requests must be emailed to  with the following documentation: 

• Student’s name and TUID number 

• Names and roles of all group members 

• Name of film/project 

• A signed copy of the External Equipment Rental Policy and Agreement

• A signed copy of the Faculty Endorsement Form

• A copy of the invoice from the film equipment rental house. This invoice must include:

o Invoice number 

o Dates the equipment will be rented 

o Name, address, phone number of the rental company 

o Name of the student renting the equipment - insurance cannot be provided for film equipment rentals to an individual named on the invoice that is not a Temple University student 

• An itemized replacement value for each piece of equipment being rented from rental company 

• Contact name and email address at the rental company 

• Address where equipment will be stored overnight (storage in a vehicle is prohibited) 


• Temple University will not insure personal or privately rented/loaned equipment.

If Temple University or rented equipment is stolen, broken, or missing, the borrower is responsible for completing the procedures outlined on the External Equipment Rental Policy and Agreement. 

Temple’s insurance for rented equipment has a deductible of $1,000. The student is responsible for the first $1,000 of damage/replacement costs. 

Risk Management will email the certificate of insurance directly to the requestor who will be responsible for forwarding it to the rental house.