The TFMA Los Angeles Study Away Program is an academic semester with a professional development emphasis, during which students take a full-time courseload of 12 or more credits in the Fall or Spring semesters, and 7 or more credits in the Summer. This includes an internship in the entertainment industry.
The LA Study Away Program is a demanding experience that requires the resilience and time management skills expected of their fields. Additionally, because students interface with companies and working professionals in the entertainment industry, acting as representatives of Temple University, the Program expects a high standard of professional behavior from participants. As such, the LA Study Away committee’s criteria for application review include the following:
Creative Industry Head Start - FMA 2071
This course, required prior to participating in the LA Study Away Program, will assist students in resumé and cover letter building, internship research, and the beginnings of Program and placement applications. Students who are unable to take this course due to scheduling conflicts should reach out to Program Director Alison Crouse: [click-for-email]
Academic Record
- GPA of 3.0 or above; or student petition to be considered for program found here.
- Favorable instructor references. Instructors can complete the recommendation form here.
Demonstrated Ability to Apply and Compete for Internships
- Résumé formatted as per LA Study Away guidelines, or a comparable 1-page format that includes all required information
- Prior work experience (media-related work, non-media-related jobs, other internships, or volunteer work)
- Clear articulation of applicant's career goals, interests, and passions
Professional Presentation
- Demonstrated writing abilities and communication skills (Please Note: Your application and application materials should be error and typo-free and written with correct grammar and punctuation.)
- Acceptable professional demeanor and self-presentation in all communication with LA Study Away faculty and staff